TImport is a Second SIght 2.x/Tabby 2.0 NetMail utility designed to import Generic Tabby text files into Second Sight message sections. It processes the “Generic Import” text file created by Tabby 2.0, and turns it into Second Sight-compatible messages.
TImport is one of three utilities you need to interface Second SIght 2.x with Tabby 2.0. The other components are called TExport and TSet. Appendix A of this document contains an overview of how the three programs work and what they do. All three programs can be found on GEnie in the FreeSoft section and on better bulletin boards everywhere. They are free and may be freely distributed as long as no one derives a profit from their distribution.
Since it runs with with Tabby 2.0, TImport expects to find a file called “Generic” (no quotes) at the same level as Second Sight and TImport. Before you run TImport, make sure you have a text file called Generic with the path where you want TImport to get its input text file (which is called “Generic Import”). This text file should contain a single line of text ending in a colon, followed by a carriage return, like so
This is the location in which Tabby 2.0 creates and processes its
“Generic” files: Generic Import, Generic Export and Generic Echoes.
(Generic Import is a text file of incoming messages created by Tabby for
TImport or a similar utility to process; Generic Export is a text file of
outgoing messages created by TExport or a similar message exporting
utility for Tabby to process; Generic Echoes is an interim text file which
Tabby uses to hold Echomail pending its distribution by Tabby to other
nodes in your Routing file.)
TImport writes a short report of its activity to the Tabby Log which, with
Tabby 2.0, is found inside a folder called “Tabby.”
To set up TImport, copy it to the same level as Second Sight and Tabby.
Launch TImport while holding down the mouse button and tell TImport your
These are TImport’s default options:
• Enter the proper name of your Second Sight application
• Enter the message section number which is to receive private netmail
• Select whether or not to DeCapitalize names in message To: and From:
fields (PETE JOHNSON -> Pete Johnson).
• Select whether or not to write to the Tabby Log. This was added as a
convenience for those who are running TImport in situations other than
normal Tabby installations, such as non-Tabby users of Erik Selberg’s
wonderful creations. If you’re running Tabby, this option should be
• Select whether or not to itemize imports to each message section in the Tabby Log. An example of the use of this option is included near the end of this document in the description of changes for version 1.98.
• Fill in the line length for messages. In my early experiments, I've come to
believe that 80 is the correct setting for maximum compatibility and a minimum
number of raggedy-looking messages.
• TExport will set this creator on any text files it opens, including the Tabby Log. Some common TEXT creator types are as follows:
WDBN Microsoft Word
MACA MacWrite
McSk McSink
TABY Tabby
• Activate the Section Count switch to have TImport itemize individual section counts activities to the Tabby Log in the following form:
06/27/91 3:02:24 TImport - Program Starting (v 2.0)
06/27/91 3:02:32 TImport - 2 Messages for General #2
06/27/91 3:02:32 TImport - 1 Message for HyperCard #21
06/27/91 3:02:32 TImport - 3 Messages for Mac Developer #22
06/27/91 3:02:32 TImport - 1 Message for Tabby Echo #23
06/27/91 3:02:32 TImport - 3 Messages for Red Ryder Host #24
06/27/91 3:02:32 TImport - 2 Messages for Mansion #29
06/27/91 3:02:32 TImport - 3 Messages for Mac Files #205
06/27/91 3:02:32 TImport - 1 Message for MUG Admin #209
06/27/91 3:02:33 TImport - 16 Messages Total
Once you have configured TImport, insert TImport in all Tabby events just
after Tabby DeliverMail. Run Tabby Maint and use its “Events” menu to
insert TImport in each TabbyNet event right after TabbyNet DeliverMail.
This enables TImport to process the Generic Import file which TabbyNet
DeliverMail creates. A typical short TabbyNet event might look like this:
Three utilities are required to link Second SIght 2.x and Tabby 2.0: my versions are called TImport, TExport and TSet. Without these utilities, or similar utilities written by Mike Lininger or authors to come, Second Sight and Tabby cannot communicate with each other. Second Sight has no built-in method for talking to Tabby, and Tabby has no built-in method for communicating with Second Sight. Instead, Tabby author Michael Connick defined a text file format for “generic” messages which Tabby produces and reads.
There are three “flavors” of generic files: Generic Import, a text file
created by TabbyNet containing the text of inbound messages; Generic
Export, a text file created by a utility such as TExport containing the
text of outbound messages; and Generic Echoes, a text file which TabbyNet
uses to hold EchoMail pending its distribution to other nodes.
TImport reads the content of the Generic Import file and converts each text message into a valid Second Sight message. It then marks the processed text messages for deletion. TImport should be run just after TabbyNet DeliverMail, the TabbyNet component which creates the Generic Import file, and it should be run whenever TabbyNet DeliverMail is run -- whether in a NetMail Event or a CrashMail Event. TImport converts both Echoes and Private NetMail messages into proper Second Sight messages. In order to do its job, TImport initially must be told which section to use for Private NetMail. You can configure TImport by running it while holding down the mouse button and entering the Private NetMail section number, along with the name of your Second Sight application (mine’s called “Second Sight”; everyone else’s is called “Second Sight”). Read the documentation on TImport for additional information.
TExport reads Second Sight messages, looking for network items. To qualify for export, a message must be entered locally and must be in a Private NetMail or Public Echo section. TExport keeps track of the messages it processes: it sets a flag on processed messages so that they will never be processed again, and it keeps track of the highest message it’s looked at and starts each session with the next higher numbered active message. TExport creates a text file called Generic Export, which TabbyNet subsequently processes. TExport should be run just before the TabbyNet “Send” duo: TabbyNet SendMail and TabbyNet SendNews, and it should be run whenever they are run -- whether in a NetMail Event or a CrashMail Event. They will take the Generic Export contents and turn the text into outbound messages. TExport rarely has to deal with a high volume of messages unless you are lucky enough to have a very active base of message-posters. TExport does not touch Echo Mail which is being routed to other boards -- TabbyNet keeps pending mail in the Generic Echoes file. TExport needs to be configured when it is first run: hold down the mouse button while launching it and tell it the “highest message read” (enter the highest active message number on your board) and the name of your Red Ryder Host application, in addition to some options. Read the specific documentation on TExport for more information.
TSet is a simple utility which reads a TabbyNet-produced text file called “Next Event”. This file contains the time of the next Tabby Event. TSet reads this text file and uses its information to alter the Second Sight Config file so that Second Sight launches TabbyNet when it should (this is critical if you’re running more than one mail event per day). Configure TSet by launching it while holding down the mouse button and telling it the name of your Second Sight application -- that's its only option. TSet should be run as one of the last events in any NetMail Event. You should *not* include it in Tabby Robot or CrashMail strings -- doing so can cause Second Sight to skip event schedules (this can happen if someone CrashMails you a few minutes before a scheduled event and stays on the board until after the Event was supposed to start: if you include TSet in this situation, it will tell Second Sight to skip the event; if you don’t include TSet here, Second Sight will launch TabbyNet properly). Read the specific documentation on TSet for more information.
Appendix B
Copyright & Distribution Notice
TExport, TImport and TSet are free and may be freely distributed as long
as no money is charged for them and they are not altered in any way.
Though they are free, they are not Public Domain programs -- I retain
want to include them in a commercially-sold compilation, contact me for
permission. I will be reasonable if I’m consulted in advance.
Appendix C
A Sales Pitch
If TExport, TImport and TSet are examples of what I give away free, imagine how good my “send in $25” programs are! If you aren’t a registered user of Archie, you’re missing out on a slew of good utility programs, including mehitabel, QU, Tally and many other Second Sight and Tabby enhancements I’ve written. Here’s a partial list of what registered Archie users receive:
• A “full-strength” version of Archie, a Command 50 application which adds more than 30 commands to the Second Sight structure, including log backup, string searches in text files, searches for files by date uploaded, searches for files by matching strings in names and descriptions, UserLog searches and editing and too much more to describe here. All commands can be used locally *or* remotely.
• mehitabel, a clever utility to automatically back up your message files, with selective deletes of old messages in whatever sections you choose. Version 2.0 runs up to 24 times faster than mehitabel 1.2 and offers many enhancements, including robust capability to recover damaged message sections, delete by age, archiving deleted messages to text files and more.
• Tally, an automatic message reporter which shows message activity for the past 10 days, section by section.
• QU, an enhancement to the built-in Second SIght 2.x “Quote of the Day” function.
• A bucketful of other original utility programs, including Back UL, Copy, Jump, Log-O-Matic, Splice, Timestamp, Timestart, Resize FSecs, Repath FSecs, Detour, FSec Cleaner and more (list subject to change as I get more good and bad ideas).
Flip automatically forwards files to lists of destinations -- essential for routing NODEDIFFs, Fido News, etc. You can designate “Magic Folders” into which you can drop files for automatic routing.
These programs are sold "as is," but I hope to continue the free upgrade policy I've maintained for Archie and mehitabel. These are not part of the Archie & mehitabel registered users package, but as always I'm grateful to registered users for their support.
Registration Form
You can receive AreaTrix, Flip and ff by sending me a check for $25 (U.S. funds only), along with your name and address. Please include GEnie, CompuServe and/or other network addresses if you have them.